a nonprofit international society of multidisciplinary character
devoted to the promotion of European research in microgravity, simulated microgravity and hypergravity conditions
a platform for all scientists interested in life and physical sciences in space
ELGRA aims …
to represent and strengthen the scientific community of altered gravity research
to involve young people in research on these topics by educational programs
ELGRA acts…
organizing scientific symposia and courses.
co-operating with institutions and agencies in the organization of scientific events
spreading information about announcement of opportunities (AO), new platforms and space policy to the members.
supporting students and young scientists at scientific meetings, and via grants and educational programs from ESA.
ELGRA members are…
individuals engaged in science under altered gravity conditionsAll Pages
scientific institutions or companies, with interests in altered gravity research
ELGRA is managed …
by the General Assembly of the members, which meets every two years
by a Management Committee (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and four additional members), elected by the General Assembly, with equilibrated composition between Life and Physical Sciences and representing a fair geographical distribution
ELGRA is especially committed with students and young scientists…
accepting student members exempt from paying any membership fee
providing them financial support to attend meetings and courses
organizing a student contest and a student session in ELGRA meetings across Europe