- PhD position in Granular Rheology in Space Environment
- PhD position in Experimental Flow-Behavior of Regolith
- ESA call for Citizen Scientists for a space medicine project
- “ESA Payload Masters” opportunity
- Launching of the ELGRA Mentorship Program
- Open Assistant Professor in space engineering at the University of Liverpool
- AO for the Microgravity Science and Technology Journal
- Competition Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)
- AO for ESA appointed scientists to the Science Topical Panels of the Einstein Probe mission
- Winner of the ELGRA Research Prize 2019
- ESA announcement of Opportunity for ISS
- ESA announcement of Opportunity for Moon campaign
- ASGSR Symposium (9-12th November, Houston, Texas): Open for registration and abstracts
- 27h ELGRA Symposium and G.A., Sept. 6 – 9, 2022, Lisbon (Portugal) Open for registration and abstracts
- ESA/ELGRA Gravity-Related Research Summer School 27 June to 8 July 2022
- Call for ESA/ELGRA Gravity-Related Research Summer School 2021!
- UNOOSA series of webminars (21 April – 16 June 2021)
- LIDE’s Glide Your Experiment! Challenge call
- Call for papers in a special issue of Frontiers in Space Technology
- ELGRA Research Prize 2020-2021
- ELGRA goes Suborbitall! call 2021
- Funded PhD studentship opportunity in UK
- Open postdoc position
- 36th Annual Meeting American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (Selected ELGRA/SELGRA members will be sponsored)
- Winner of the “ELGRA goes Suborbital! call”
- New gravity-related experiment opportunities for 2021
- Extended deadline, ELGRA goes Suborbital! Call for proposals
- ELGRA goes Suborbital! Call for proposals
- Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference, CO, USA, March 2–4, 2020
- PhD Project Offer in UK Oct. 2019
- 26th ELGRA Symposium and General Assembly, Sept. 24th – 27th, 2019, Granada (Spain) Please visit www.elgra2019.com for information on the conference and abstract submission

- Winner of the 1st “Gravity Spotlight Team” grant 2019
The team led by Professor Javier Medina from the Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC) in Madrid is the first winner of the Gravity Spotlight Team grant. This award has been created due to the ELGRA 40th anniversary and with the intention to foster the direct exchange of ideas within multinational and interdisciplinary research teams through workshops or similar. See more
- New gravity-related experiment opportunities for 2020
New call for gravity-related experiment opportunities 2020 | Spin Your Thesis! 2020 before 2nd December 2019 | Drop Your Thesis2020 before 20th October 2019 | Fly Your Thesis2020 before 6th 0ctober 2019 |
- ASGSR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, November 20th – 23rd, 2019
- ELGRA 40th Anniversary “Gravity Spotlight Team” Grant November 2018
The ELGRA Management Committee is pleased to open a call for proposals. This call is initiated for the first time and marks the 40th anniversary of the ELGRA association which will be celebrated next year. How to apply? (PDF) - 1st International Workshop on Science and Technology for space exploration, organized by CNES, Sept. 19 – 21, 2018, Toulouse (France)
- Article on ESA/ELGRA Gravity-Related Research Summer School 2018 July 2018
- 1st International Space Summer School, Mol (Belgium) June 25 – July 6, 2018
- Call for Proposals – Rocket and Balloon Experiments for Students June 2018
- An ESA astronaut appointed as the Minister of Science, Innovation and Universities in the new Spanish Goverment June 2018
Microgravity takes a seat at the Government in Spain

- Announcement: Protection of personal data of ELGRA member May 2018
Following the new European regulation for personal data protection, ELGRA Management Committee confirms that personal data of their members will be protected as follows
- ELGRA activities at the 2nd Symposium on Space Educational Activities April 2018
ELGRA blog (PDF) at the SSEA Conference
- Call: ESA/ELGRA Gravity-Related Research Summer School 2018 May 2018
Applications to attend to the summer school June, 25 to 29, 2018 Belgium

- New gravity-related experiment opportunities for 2019 24 April 2018

Call for gravity-related experiment proposals 2019 | Spin Your Thesis! 2019 before 25 November 2018 | Drop Your Thesis! 2019 before 4 November 2018 | Fly Your Thesis! 2019 before 9 September 2018 |
- 96th ELGRA Management Commitee Meeting 5 March 2018
The 96th ELGRA Management Commitee Meeting was held in Bönn (Germany) on the 5th of March 2018.
- ISPS-7 & ELGRA-25, October 2nd – 6th, 2017
The Joint Conference of the 7th International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space (ISPS-7) & 25th ELGRA Biennial Symposium was held in the Conference Centre of Antibes Juan-les-Pins (France) from 2nd to 6th of October 2017.