ELGRA will fund the registration of ELGRA members wishing to attend this online conference and whose abstract has been accepted (up to 30 ELGRA/SELGRA members will be sponsored).
Call for Abstracts
36th Annual Meeting for the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research
We are pleased to issue a Call for Abstracts for the 36th annual American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) conference. This year’s meeting will be virtual and take place 5 – 6 November 2020. You are invited to submit an abstract electronically no later than 20 August 2020 using the abstract submittal form and instructions posted at xcdsystem.com/asgsr. There is no abstract submission fee. ASGSR membership is not required to submit an abstract, but meeting registration and attendance is required. All submitted abstracts will be peer reviewed by the conference organizing committee. Accepted abstracts by authors registered for the conference will be published on the meeting’s online program. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit a full manuscript to the Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR’s refereed journal; https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gsr). Abstract notification will be emailed to non-student authors no earlier than 30 September 2020. Because of processing deadlines, the Program Committee will not be able to accept any abstracts submitted after the deadline indicated above.All accepted abstracts will be considered for presentation at a break-out technical session. Due to the limited time available for this year’s virtual session, not all of the abstracts can be accepted. Instructions for a technical session talk will be provided with the abstract notification letter. The ASGSR will conduct an undergraduate and graduate student science competition. All students are required to submit an abstract to participate. In lieu of posters, all presentations will be pre-recorded using a lightning talk format. Instructions for the presentations will be sent to students no earlier than 30 September. The Middle/High School call for abstracts will open on 27 August. Middle and High School student abstracts will only be accepted through the 27 August abstract process. Please check the ASGSR.org Annual Meeting website to submit your abstract and for instructions for producing your re-recorded presentation. An abstract must be submitted to participate in the Middle/High School Student science competition. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION |
36th Annual Meeting American Society for Gravitational and Space Research 5 – 6 Nov. 2020